Where does syberia ii store settings
Where does syberia ii store settings

I really don't want to get into specifics, as puzzle fanatics may sneak into the IGN offices and murder me for giving away solutions. In true yin/yang fashion, Syberia II's good puzzles are balanced by some truly gnarly ones. It closely resembles something you would do in real life to get yourself out of a similar bind, given similar circumstances. Not to say the puzzle feels overly simplistic it just doesn't require abstract thought to solve. The solution is so blatantly logical it's obscene. For example, early on, Kate needs to wake up a pilot who has fainted after his plane crashes on a snowy mountaintop. Even with some frustrations, the game does a pretty good job overall of integrating puzzles into the game world. The puzzles in Syberia II are a mixed bag of anything from flawlessly logical brain teasers to completely illogical brain roasters. When not rummaging through a hundred billion pixels to activate the aforementioned hot spots, chances are you'll be out solving puzzles. It is way too easy to completely miss an entire section of a restaurant, bar or what have you just because you don't hold title as the world's best hot spot hunter. Which brings up problem number one: unless you have super-vision, you'll either need cornea implants or your glasses cleaned and tweaked to find some of the more reclusive hot spots in this game. Usually, this means mousing over characters to initiate a conversation or scrolling over an item to pick it up. A point-and-click game, the bulk of the adventure will have you moving your cursor around with the Left Thumstick the screen in search of hot spots. Now though, you only make a few phone calls that actually matter story-wise, making the phone feel more like a novelty than anything else. I really didn't mind the heavy cell use in the first game, as it sometimes provided bits of needed info on the story. She ends up hanging up on most of the calls she gets. The cell phone has taken a backseat in Syberia II, as Kate Walker has pretty much severed all connections with her former self.

where does syberia ii store settings

Fans of the original will remember getting tons of phone calls from Kate Walker's mother, boyfriend and boss. Adventure Awaits! You control Kate Walker through a very simple interface made up of an inventory screen, a document screen, and of course, a slot for Kate's cell phone. Kate Walker forsakes family and career to head off into the frozen north in search of the old man's dream, even if she's still not too sure about it herself. She's now resolved to help Hans Voralberg reach the mythical island of Syberia.

where does syberia ii store settings

She disregards her boss's plea to have her return home to New York after she left for France on a business trip weeks earlier.


The opening movie in Syberia II reveals Kate Walker letting go of her roots. It's ok if you don't know what I'm talking about, Syberia II graciously provides a bite-sized prologue for the Syberia virgins of the world through an optional cinematic.

where does syberia ii store settings

The trio soon boards a whimsical wind-up train and shoot into the frozen unknown in search of Syberia. Kate Walker meets and joins Oscar, a wimpy yet loyal automaton built by Hans, in a bid to realize the crazed dreams of the frail old man. The old man seemed deliriously obsessed with finding Syberia, a sacred island where Mammoths still freely roam. When gamers last saw Kate Walker, she had found the elusive Hans Voralberg, an aging toymaker who built advanced machines and automatons.

Where does syberia ii store settings